Frequently Asked Questions

What is the LMRA?

The Lawn Mower Rights Activists is an organization with a mission to initiate equality for lawn mowers.

How can I help the LMRA?

There are a variety of ways to help us, including spreading the word about the LMRA as well as learning to become a Lawn Mower Protection Officer.

When was the LMRA founded?

LMRA was founded by Kushal Vanavasam in 2021.

Where is the LMRA headquarters?

We are based in the US, with hopes to bring lawn mower rights equality across the globe.

Can I attend LMRA Staff meetings?

Not yet. However we may consider allowing this as we value your opinions and feedback!

How many lawn mowers have you saved?

We have saved hundreds of lawn mowers so far. Our goal is to rescue 1 billion lawn mowers by 2025.

Are there any lawn mowers that do not support the LMRA?

Most lawn mowers support our cause, but there is a small percentage of those that oppose us. Data and statistics show that these lawn mowers die after only 10 years of life.

How do I report abused or imprisoned lawn mowers?

We appreciate your support! You can alert a local Lawn Mower Protection Officer by calling 1800-MOW-LAWN.

Where do I sign up to be a Lawn Mower Protection Officer?

Thanks for your interest! Currently, we have not yet established any application for LMPOs, however please stay tuned for updates on this website.

Is the LMRA associated with the Lawn Mower Racing Association?

No. The LMRA stands for Lawn Mower Rights Activists. We are in no part related and do not support the outrageous measures of abuse that the Lawn Mower Racing Association has caused.

Does this have anything to do with Fawad Khan's "Lawn Mower Rights Movement" story?

While he has provided contributions to the LMRA, his story is not at all linked to this organization.

How can I contact the LMRA with additional questions?

You can contact us by visiting the r/LMRA subreddit. We will likely update this page with more options soon.