The Lawn Mower Rights Movement began when founder, Kushal Vanavasam, observed the cruel and inhumane treatment of lawn mowers. Along with his friends, they have formed together to stop this insanity that we homo sapiens have imbellished upon this species. Help support our cause for the rights of these intelligent beings.
Also known as GoogleGenius, Erich Nguyen developed this website for Kushal and the LMRA Organization in order to more widely spread information about the terrible conditions of lawn mower rights. He hopes that through informative campaigns like this, we will be able to ensure a new era of equality for lawn mowers.
Alex Chavez has contributed countless hours of research to prove that lawn mowers deserve rights and equality. Despite daunting middle school work, Alex has acquired a Doctorate of Lawn Mower Religion, using his vast knowledge to inform the uninformed. Some of his vital efforts can be seen in the On the Rights of a Lawn Mower document.
Quentin Rud is a major contributor to the Lawn Mower Rights Movement, researching the human interaction with lawnmowers, as well as editing grammatical errors on this very website. While he hasn't taken the most active role in this important movement, Quentin provides critical moral support and comedic relief. Without him, the Movement would have become much duller, resulting in its abandonment.
Hrishi Kondiboyina has also worked on editing our sublime articles, working 24/7 to make sure that our articles are in top shape and always ready for presenting.
Josh Knapp is part of the LMRA Editing Staff as well, which focuses on revising and improving the articles and documents that we release. Thanks to him, grammar and convention errors are mysteriously assassinated in their sleep.
Johan Joseph currently holds the position of the Lawn Mower Rights Activists' official attorney. His reputable work and skills as a lawyer has helped us eliminate certain obstacles that have brought great peril to the Movement. He ensures that our work and the rights of lawn mowers are protected.
Brevyn Morrissey has created wonderful artwork for the LMRA Organization which provides a visual way in which the Lawn Mower Rights Movement can be recognized. The Freedom for Lawn Mowers hero image is an example of his masterpiece.
Nihal Kotur held us at gunpoint to add himself to the about page... Naughty Nihal! Oh no, help.
*Loud gunshot noises*
*Evil laughing sounds*